We offer . . .
How to Get the Teaching Job You Want
From Conflict to Collaboration
Our oldest service with two decades of experience . . . Colleges show candidates how to teach, but they don't show how to get a teaching job. That's where TeacherEdge comes in. We've also delivered workshops and classes from the other vantage point: How to hire the best candidates.
Candidate Workshops - 3 hour workshop for students in teacher preparation programs. The workshop reviews the hiring process: how to find job openings, craft cover letters and resumes, prepare to interview, teach demonstration lessons, and take the final steps when "you're almost there." The workshop is hands-on - candidates revise their own cover letters and resumes and practice interviews with experienced administrators who know what schools are looking for.
Individual Consultations - In a one-to-one remote sessions, we'll help candidates create an attention-getting cover letter and resume and practice the most nerve-wracking part - the dreaded interview!
Hiring the Best - Hiring the best teachers has been called "the gift that keeps on giving." From this 3 hour professional development workshop, we guarantee school leaders will learn new and innovative strategies for hiring diverse staff, authentic assessment (interviews alone may be deceiving), training hiring committees, reading cover letters and resumes between the lines, and more.
Professional Development Workshops and Coaching - Conflict in schools is often full-circle: teachers vs. teachers, teachers vs. parents, parents vs. administrators, and administrators vs. teachers. It causes job dissatisfaction and often leads to administrators departing either by choice or under pressure. Promising school improvement efforts are met with knee-jerk resistance pitting traditionalists against reformers. A fear of turbulence causes some leaders to avoid critical issues, for example, inequities and institutional racism.
For a long time, we thought conflict and conflict avoidance were inevitable until we began studying proven leadership strategies from organizational psychology, business and education.
We'll work with individual leaders, leadership teams, and school faculties to build capacity and create conflict-agile schools. We'll impart practices that transform the perception of conflict into opportunity to hear diverse voices, collaboratively problem solve, and modify school and district culture.
PLC Book Clubs - In a remote learning environment, read and discuss From Conflict to Collaboration: A School Leader's Guide to Unleashing Conflict's Problem Solving Power. For school and district leadership teams and graduate school leadership courses.